The Energy Leash is a whip-like energy rope used as a leash which can pull enemies towards Grayson Hunt and causes them to travel in slow motion for a limited amount of time. The Energy Leash is capable of two "attacks". The first is a simple grab-and-pull attack, and the second is the Thumper.
- The Thumper is an attack in which Grayson grabs an enemy and flicks his wrist up and then down. When he flicks his wrist up, a ball of energy follows the invisible control line of his hand; when his wrist goes down, an area of effect explosion happens. This explosion throws enemies and miscellaneous objects (such as guns and barrels) into the air, and puts them in a sort of stasis field for 10 seconds.
In Anarchy multiplayer, players can get a variety of leash colours from DLCs and the Demo:
Quicksilver - Online Pass
Emerald - Play and beat the Xbox 360 demo
Crimson - Play and beat the PS3 demo
Gold - Buy the Limited or Epic edition
Pulp - Download the Gun Sonata DLC
Flamingo - Download the Gun Sonata DLC
Royal - Download the Blood Symphony DLC
Obsidian - Download the Blood Symphony DLC
- The Energy Leash is an "instinct moderated weapon" which are apparently illegal to use.
- The Leash cybernetically links to its user, and attaching it can be a painful process.
- Energy Leashes have built in radios, flashlights and databases that keep track of Skillshots.
- Grayson obtains his Leash from a fallen Final Echo Soldier.
- When Gen. Victor Sarrano used his leash on Ishi, he was able to control him, presumably through the cybernetics embedded in Ishi's brain.
- The Energy Leash's effect is similar to both the Grapple Beam from Metroid Prime 3 and the Stasis Module from Dead Space.